Focus On Energy Heatpump Explainer Video
Project for CLEAResult
animation design, social media
Focus On Energy is a power company in Wisconsin. They wanted to create a video to help their customers understand and educate them on heatpumps and their usage. There is a common misconception about heatpumps that they do not work in the winter and colder climates. We wanted to showcase that not only is that not true but it could help Wisconsin residents a lot of energy savings by utilizing a heatpump. I worked very closely with the copy writer to brain storm ideas for how we would animate this and what we would say. From there I was responsible for animating and creating the video.
Focus On Energy Summer Heat
Project for CLEAResult
branding, identity design, social media
Focus On Energy is a power company in Wisconsin. They wanted to create a video to help their customers prepare for summer and save money on their energy bill. I was tasked with designing styleframes and animating the project. The voice over and copy where made by other members of the team. The concept was to break the video up into multiple stages so that the client could break the video up into smaller segments to use on their social media or website.
Focus On Energy Earth Day
Project for CLEAResult
branding, identity design, social media
Focus On Energy wanted to create a meta video to celebrate Earth Day and notify their customers about how to save energy. To do this I was task with designing styleframes and animating a lifestyle option and a graphic option to use for multiple audiences. The copy was created by other members of the creative team. I really wanted to show the audience that an energy efficient home brings about a happy earth.